Tuesday, 26 February 2013

The gloves need to come off

Perhaps one of the greatest blessing or curse of our generation is the ability to speak freely about anything and anyone…at least unless you give some political entity or law enforcement agent reason to retract or pay for your “sins”. “Social commentary”, while it is aimed at promoting responsible governance and citizenship, seems to promote sluggishness from all angles. Please do note, I say this with four fingers pointing back at me. I say sluggishness because it seems members of society find it easy to blame it on the government, on their neighbors, anyone in sight for what is going wrong in our communities. Politicians blame it on the opposition and gain political mileage by listing what Party X and So & So is doing wrong rather than what they have done right.
Many forums have opened up for society to air views, which in generations past was either a life threatening vocation or worse still unacceptable to challenge status quo. However, the increase of freedom of speech or  freedom of expression has become breeding ground for individuals to preach, teach, coach while many are not willing to do anything to contribute to the change we complain about. It is understandable that many at times, there seems to be little that can be done to change the attitude of politicians, criminals or the so called “racists” we so easily identify with eyes closed. As much as our hands may be tied due to our lack of influence, we certainly can make a difference starting with one small step, one individual and that is looking within ourselves.
When we remove the masks we wear on forums such as this one and return to our daily lives, the problems we attack each other over still remain. We still have to lock our doors, we still have to pay taxes to support the activities of those we seem to loathe, we still pay exorbitant prices for goods and services, and we still have to worry about criminals and perpetrators of abuse. Complain about them all we want, toyi-toyi we may till the cows come home but if we do not act we are simply wasting our time.
Changing a corrupt politician may not be the job of an individual, but an individual can certainly change the path a child may take by partaking in laying the right so he/she may be a better leader tomorrow. Getting rid of crime will not happen by flippantly throwing comments but by ensuring the right environment is created for children from a very young age. The rude store attendant or uncouth man or woman some may so despise, did not drop from the sky but was once an infant. Please do not get me wrong, I am in no way condoning wrong doing, neither am I discounting the fact that the outcome of each life is made up of a series of choices but I am simply saying that we as individuals can make a difference if we dedicate ourselves to being the change we want to see.
It may take years for significant social, economic and political transformation to occur and this is not to say we could have a society completely free of problems but if each individual were to play a part, it would make a world of difference. We all want a better city, country and continent, but what are we all willing to do, to see that become a reality? Hats off to those who are already making a difference, sincerely, I salute you!
While I am not qualified to tell others what they can or cannot do, it is my hope that we rise above being commentators and collectively be the authors of a positive story that will be evident for generations to come. Some of the nations of the world we so envy, are what they are today because men and women in generations past, were also willing to make sacrifices. Not the kind that involves blood and violence, but the kind that never made it into history books that shaped the thinking of the child who grew up to the envy of others whether on a small or large scale.

Friday, 15 February 2013

GivenGain Profile: suavolonte

GivenGain Profile: suavolonte


So you thought it was impossible to have a thousand people go up Lion’s head in 3 hours?
Well think again because we are on a Mission Possible to change the plight of the children of our city through challenging but fun activities. Mission Possible is a concept coined to raise funds for Newkidz, an organization whose endeavor is to ensure safe and comfortable living environments for the children of our city. The activities will challenge individuals to push their bodies to the limit and do what is ordinarily perceived to be impossible. The first of many activities to come will be a hike up Lion’s head on the 2nd of March. This Mission Possible will require as many residents of Cape Town to ascend upon Lion’s Head on this Saturday morning to show the children of our city that all things are possible when we unite for a common cause.
Whether you prefer to run up the mountain, make as far up as you can or be a witness at the bottom, come one, come all! The journey up will be symbolic of your triumph so come prepared to celebrate personal and corporate victories.

We’re calling upon you to come and join us on the 2nd of March as the great cloud of witnesses shows the world of possibilities we can achieve.

As long as your heart beats, you have what it takes to take on this challenge. So bring a banner if you can, dress up if you please, invite a friend if you are able for you never know, you might just be a lucky winner.

Please make a donation towards Newkidz Projects by visiting the activist page:
Your contribution will make a difference beyond measure and automatically enters your name into the lucky draw!

When: Saturday 02 March 2013
Time: 07:00
Meeting Place: Base of Signal Hill Road
Duration: 3 hours
Contact: 0799390026, suavolonte@gmail.com

“A person with Ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, based from a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed.” Desmond Tutu

Sponsors: CADAC SA, UNISA &

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Still I rise

Maya Angelou, perhaps one of the most enduring figures in modern day art and civil rights wrote a beautiful piece exposing the heart of a woman perhaps aggravated by some form of injustice that violated her femininity. While the battle is not mine, yet the need to fight for others above myself compels me to continue pressing on against the odds. 
There is no doubt the plight of women and children should be on top of any agenda for if not, the future may very well be written off as a dismal one here and now. Rapists who plunder the very essence of what being a woman is, were once one mother's child. Criminals that hake people's heads off, once sucked on a thumb in the womb of some woman. The very victims who fall at their mercy, are or once were the little boy or girl of another.
Anene Booysen was a harmless young girl, yet because men who got their thinking corrupted at one point or another, she is no more. Many more men and women, stifling their cries in the dark, live with the scars of one form of injustice or another because a certain child grew up to be menace to society. While we cannot discount the fact that one can make choices regardless of upbringing and circumstances, should there not be room to at least try and ensure all children grow up in environments where their thinking is influenced for the good of society.
Those of old said, "it takes a community to raise a child" and "every child is everyone's child". While children are not raised on food alone, it takes setting examples and encouraging children to live beyond the limits and rise above circumstances. These may seem like the words of a dreamer but then again it doesn't cost much to dream but without a dream one surely has a great price to pay.

For Anene and every mother's child who's ever had to endure pain at the hands of another mother's child:

I rise when the darkness conceals my pain
At the hands of another who will nothing gain
When my inner being is overwhelmed with grief
And in the cold my all trembles like a leaf
I will rise 

I will rise when my childhood is my demise
And like an old river my womanhood  dies
When blame to me is imputed for being me
And the lie I have to live is so I can be
I will rise

Want to know why you are a hero? https://www.givengain.com/activist/90569/